enrichment center 10am-2pm
Note from Ms. K
Maddox did well today. He and most of the preschoolers get a little wound up and tired after lunch. We are going to plan more hands-on separate activities for them to do while the older kids are doing their independent work. He asked me to count again with the blocks. It seems he really enjoys the hands-on learning style more than any worksheets, but maybe I just haven't found the right ones. I know you mentioned he liked ones where you can circle the answer. I have some of those to try on Thursday. We are also going to work on cutting skills.
There are some more cool hands-on objects in the class for counting and learning. We will implement those as well. We did some Story Cubes with dice where they could make up stories. I had my other kids draw pictures and write any words they could at their level, but he wasn't really wanting to do that. They did some lacing and puzzles and he worked with clay today. We started to do some counting with little blocks as well.
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