Wednesday, October 8, 2014

First day using the Workbox System!

Today was our first day using the Sue Patrick "Workbox System". 
I set up the drawers last night with 10 activities, not sure how many of them we would get done considering we had music class in the morning.  
I created a simple sticker chart to keep track of all the activities in the chart, and there's a sheet of stickers in each drawer so that he can place a sticker on the chart for each activity he completes. 

What's in the drawers? 
Drawer 1: HWOT letter L (build L with wood pieces, wet/dry/try, trace squares worksheet, write L on HWOT Kindergarten workbook page for capital L 

Drawer 2:  See it , Build it, Write it SIGHT WORDS a, I, to 

Drawer 3: Word ladder, -at/-ay words 

Drawer 4: missing vowel worksheet 

Drawer 5: RightStart A lesson 9 

Drawer 6: Pattern block activity card 

Drawer 7: Math addition worksheets and transportation counter activity cards (this is one that D was able to participate in as well - while M was doing the addition and subtraction activity cards, I had D pull out all the airplanes and place them on her tray).  

Drawer 8: Read aloud time with mom/dad: "Click, Clack, Moo" (in preparation for seeing the play Click, Clack, Boo on Friday) 

Drawer 9: Coloring page using triangle crayons (for proper crayon-grip practice) 

Drawer 10: 24pc Puzzle (independently) and 48pc Puzzle (with help from mom) 

M completed drawers 1, 2, 7, and 10 today. I let him choose the order in which he completes them, as well as which drawers he will do.... (which is why the pics here may appear out of order)  

M played about 10 minutes of Starfall (clocks, pattern maze, action words  game) 
We also went to a Mr Richard music class at Kindermusik in the morning..... 

Listened to Story of the World during lunch ….. 

And played baseball outside with the neighbors in the afternoon. 

So far I am really happy with the system, if not for any other reason than it keeps me on track and sort of forces me to come up with enough activities to keep us busy (kind of the same reason I like using the Bento-style lunchbox  which forces me to create a diverse lunch with enough of each food group :) . The only downside I can see is that it could become tedious to set up every night.... but I bet I could spend some time on the weekend pre-printing and setting up activities for the week. … .we'll see! Maddox really likes it and he enjoys the autonomy of getting to choose which drawers we do and in which order. Ideally I'd love to get all 10 drawers done in a day, but I know that's not likely on days where we have outside-of-the-house activities. … and on Spark days we probably won't do many at all.  

I'm debating on changing out the drawers we already finished and start fresh the next day, or keep the drawers set until we finish all 10. I'm thinking on days where he has Spark the following day (or a busy field-trip filled day) then I 'll just keep it as-is to finish up the next day. I may even set up drawers for the weekends with more time-consuming activities that daddy can participate in (like science experiments!)...

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