Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Enrichment day....a note from Ms K

enrichment center 10am-2pm 

Note from Ms. K

Maddox did well today.  He and most of the preschoolers get a little wound up and tired after lunch.  We are going to plan more hands-on separate activities for them to do while the older kids are doing their independent work.  He asked me to count again with the blocks.  It seems he really enjoys the hands-on learning style more than any worksheets, but maybe I just haven't found the right ones.  I know you mentioned he liked ones where you can circle the answer.  I have some of those to try on Thursday.  We are also going to work on cutting skills.   
  There are some more cool hands-on objects in the class for counting and learning.  We will implement those as well.  We did some Story Cubes with dice where they could make up stories.  I had my other kids draw pictures and write any words they could at their level, but he wasn't really wanting to do that.    They did some lacing and puzzles and he worked with clay today.  We started to do some counting with little blocks as well.

Monday, September 29, 2014

How to draw a Zebra.....

Watched "Zoo Train" episode of Signing Time 

Maddox wanted to paint a Zebra, so we went to the internet and found a video how-to (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyAnNf2h-Ig) 

He drew the zebra while following along step-by-step 

Then he wanted to paint. This time he did it without watching the video (but I did talk him through the steps). 

We played the Phonics Game (level 1) 
Worked on sounding out words and matching words by beginning and end sound, identified rhyming words. 
Focus on -at and -an words

Daphne wanted to wear ALL her PJ's at one time.... And then play on the computer 

Friday, September 26, 2014

Gecko skin under the microscope!

Practiced spelling his name usingBananagramtiles (he asked me to get down theBananagramsand then called me back in to show me what he spelled!). I suggested we learn to spell his middle or last name but he said."maybe later".  


Learning to write number 5 


Next he asked if he could do two worksheets, so I gave him these from a Kindergarten math book 

 Which is more? (he got frustrated trying to write numbers so we went with tallies instead) 


Worked on concept of One More. 


PE: One hour open gym for homeschoolers at Double Down gymnastics  




When we got home, I found a small piece of shed skin while cleaning out the gecko cage. He decided to look at it under magnifying glass. He also wanted to put ice on it to see what would happen (the skin stuck to itself and ripped when it got wet).  
 I suggested we try the microscope next. Viewed gecko skin (which I mistakenly called a snake skin, so that's what he wrote), then he drew what he saw. He asked me to spell " Snake Skin" so he could write it on top. I had to talk him through writing the K and E . 





Monday, September 22, 2014

Library storytime....

Social studies Unit 1: 
 Alike /different worksheet 
Using descriptive words to identify location of items in image, alike/different, categorizing   

Literacy: Library story time 

Puzzles and blocks at library  

Playdate with Henry 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

BATS! and Art

Bats exhibit at Orlando Science Center 

Created a rubbing using chalk and metal etching 

Orlando Museum of Art 
Scavenger hunt to find two paintings in the museum. Found a painting by artist Thomas Moran ( landscape art). Read the book Yellowstone Moran byLitaJudge and attempted to create our own landscape drawings. 



Friday, September 19, 2014

Starfall, Coloring, and gardening

Review: Stacking pegs red/blue patterns and measuring using peg as a unit of measurement  

  • Colors 
  • pattern maze 
  •  matching 2D/3D shapes with real world images 
  •  telling time (on the hour) 
  • Bowling subtraction 
  • counting down from 100 
  •  "compose/decompose" game (learning about tens and ones) 




Pickedstarfruitin the garden 

Human Body Rock N Learn DVD  

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Enrichment center....and coloring in the lines!

Attended Spark 10-2p, Topic: plants 

Colored a Winnie the Pooh sheet, colored really well inside the lines (milestone!) 

I was pleasantly surprised when he independently selected a math workbook off the shelf and asked me if he could do some worksheets. He completed this sheet with little help from me.... He started off using tally marks to keep track of the numbers, but ultimately decided to use number stamps to convey the numerical answer. He also independently broke down the groups of apples into number sentences (3+2=5, 2+1=3, 3+2+1=6) , so I wrote those on the sheet to show what he had identified. 

On his own, he used stacking pegs to build a tower to his exact height , using a pattern of red/blue, and measured himself using the tower. Counted the pegs (18) to determine hoe many pegs tall he is, learning to use items as a unit of measurement. 
